December 9, 2016

Suicide Squad

2016 - 0/5

I don't know why I wanted to see this movie when it first came out, but I never did. To this day I'm still not sure why I wanted to see it. I heard a lot of reviews saying that it wasn't that good... they weren't wrong. It was dead on arrival.

This movie just happened to be an option on a 2.5 hour flight, so I picked it. I can't say it was a GOOD waste of my time, but it sure was a waste of my time. The pacing sucked. The only reason (predictability aside of course) that I knew what point of the movie I was at was because I was on a flight. There were parts in which it draaaaaagggggggggggggged, and there were some parts that they just blew through.
I read this on IMDB and I couldn't agree more:
"Trying to keep up with the plot of this movie is like chasing a moving train. Except even when you think you've caught up to it, you're not sure you want to get on board".

As for the plot, it was stretched so thin... it was just laughable. Did they even try?! It was so typical: "If he dies, we die", yet they already know that they're going to die anyways because they're the bad guys and they'd never get the credit and nobody cares about them. It's as if they shoehorned the entire plot into the plot.

I felt that as a viewer you never really got to really care for any of the characters, there were too many to focus on. But at the same time, even if they spent more time with the character development, they would have taken the same path that got them this far, and frankly, I really didn't need to see more.

Right from the get-go, I hated pretty much all the characters. If Jared Leto really thought he played a Joker that Heath Ledger would be proud of, then he is a delusional man. I can't say that he really sucked as the Joker, mainly because it was more so the character itself that was just awful. As for Harley Quinn, again, it was the character that was so bad that it made it hard to tell if the actress sucked too. I've never been a fan of Will Smith in movies, and this one hasn't changed my mind. I have no idea who anyone else was, so I don't really care to comment further.

Overall, I'm glad I did not pay to see this. For a movie that had a LOT of hype behind it, it was incredibly forgettable.

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