February 28, 2012


2012 - 0.5/5

First thing I want to say is that it’s going to seem as if I’m being extremely nit-picky, but that’s not the case. I didn’t need to sit here with a fine toothcomb to pick apart everything about this movie. No. This movie crumbles the moment it starts. So yes, I pretty much have a problem with everything about this movie.

When it comes to the acting, I think that Amanda Seyfried did the best with what she was given. There were some points in which her acting was so bland and boring; that’s a reflection of the movie as well. I had seen Amanda Seyfried in Mean Girls, Mamma Mia, Dear John and Letters To Juliet, and those were either comedies or rom-com’s so I was wondering how she’d do in a thriller.

This is what we know from the trailer: Jill (Amanda Seyfried) was kidnapped by some guy who kidnaps and kills women. His MO is that he dumps them in a deep hole he dug in the middle of a huge forest in Oregon (named ‘Forest Park’ – how creative). We don’t know who he is and we don’t know why he’s doing it but that doesn’t matter. Jill is a lucky one because she happens to escape. So now, this guy is after her again because she’s the one that got away. Sounds cool right? Yeah! And that’s not even where the trailer ends. This guy does come back, but instead of taking Jill, he mistakenly ends up taking Molly, Jill’s sister. We soon learn that the police don’t believe that his guy even exists (which I’ll talk more about later), so Jill is left to go after this guy herself and save her sister. Once her search starts, she just bounces from person to person obtaining more clues as to who this mysterious guy is and where her sister is being held. Everyone is made out to be suspicious and there really isn’t a climax.

I have finished my very long, very in-depth review and I'm trying to figure out how to post it.

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